Rescue Stories Blog The Gentle Pit

Meredith & Prudence: Growing in Trust and Resilience

Your name: Meredith Crosby

Your dog's name: Prudence

Your location: South Lake Tahoe, California

What made you decide to rescue a dog (as opposed to buying one)? After my first pitty died of cancer I knew I would always have a pitty in my life. I wanted to give a pup in need the same beautiful life my Stella Blue had. Rescuing seemed like the perfect way to honor Stella’s life. Pay it forward type mentality.

How did you come to find your rescue dog and how did you know he/she was 'the one'? I was home in South Carolina visiting. My state had just broken up the largest dog fighting ring in our state’s history. A family friend run’s a rescue that was helping place the dogs in homes and asked if I would help walk some of the pups they rescued while I was home. The woman fostering six pups was in a wheel chair from a car accident and still went above and beyond to help these dogs in need. It was my great joy to help her. When I arrived five precious pups ran out of their crate to greet me. One stayed in the back of the crate scared to death of everything. In that moment I knew she would need extra love and extra patience as she overcame her trauma. I wasn’t ready for another pup yet, it had been a little over a year since I lost my first red-nose pitty to cancer. I couldn’t get this scared pup out of my head and heart. I went everyday I was home to work with her. When it came time to head back to California I decided not to fly, rescue Smiley now known as Prudence and we both drove back to California together. Nineish (no idea how old she really was when I adopted her) year later and our love story is still going strong!

If applicable, please name the rescue/shelter (and location) your dog came from. Pawmetto Lifeline in Columbia, South Carolina

If you and your pup had an entire day to do only fun things together, what would your day look like? Hiking around gorgeous Lake Tahoe. Chasing chipmunks out of hiding, demolishing pine cones in our path and of course zoomies in the fresh snow we get an abundance of, in a full snowsuit, of course.

If you had two magic minutes where your dog could understand everything you said, what would you tell her/him? You are so loved Prudence. You do not let your overwhelming fear stop you from doing the hard things. Your ability to overcome what life threw at you is a constant reminder to me I am strong enough for whatever life sends my way. You have shown me broken is not a bad trait and our brokenness gives us an inner strength unlike any other. My life is better because you trusted me to give you the best life possible when trusting wasn’t in your nature.

What would be your dog's theme song? Dear Prudence, The Beatles. We would sing, “Dear Prudence won’t you come out to play? Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day” when she was too scared to leave her crate when I first adopted her. The song stuck and Smiley became Prudence!

How does your pup make your life better? She shows me how to be resilient. That we can do the hard things. That love is possible even after another human broke your trust and violated your love.

What do you want the world to know about rescuing a dog? Rescue pups teach us so many life lessons. So many beautiful dogs end up in shelters, dogs that deserve a chance at happiness no matter their “pre-existing” conditions. Bringing a rescue dog into your life will open your heart up to big, big love!

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